~Ezine and Newsletter Listings~

The Webmasters Journal~ Published by K. Williams Resources. 10,982 subscribers to date. Ad rates: 25.00-CPM. Subscribe: kwilliams@imsday.com?subject=subscribeTWJ Unsubscribe: kwilliams@imsday.com?subject=cancelTWJ Description: Information and Resources for Webmasters~Beginners and Experts. Trivia, articles, tips, software reviews, etc.


The Home Business Files~ Published by K. Williams Resources. 400 subscribers to date. Ad rates: 25.00-CPM. Subscribe: kwilliams@imsday.com?subject=subscribeHBF Unsubscribe: kwilliams@imsday.com?subject=cancelHBF Description: Information and Resources for small and home based business owners, as well as for anyone thinking of starting a small or home based business.


All About Ezines~ Published by K. Williams Resources. 150 subscribers to date. Ad rates: 25.00-CPM. Subscribe: kwilliams@imsday.com?subject=subscribeAAE Unsubscribe: kwilliams@imsday.com?subject=cancelAAE Description: Information and Resources for publishers of ezines and newsletters.


Personal Achievement Quote of the Day ~ Published by Gene Donohue. Subscribers: 3800. Ad rates $15 per issue, only one sponsor per day. To subscribe, reply to: subscribe_quote@gapmtn.com ~ To unsubscribe reply to: unsubscribe_quote@gapmtn.com ~ Description: Want to achieve more out of your personal and professional life? Then visit Gap Mtn Technologies and subscribe to the Personal Achievement Quote of the Day! Every Monday thru Friday morning, you will receive an inspiring quote from one of the leaders in the personal achievement field, or from an author, poet, philosopher, political figure or anyone else whose words will motivate others to succeed.


New monthly free E-zine. Non Commercial. Discussion, Topics, Jokes, etc. E-Zine name - "Disceptatio". Publisher Stan Walker To Subscribe - barretts@ndirect.co.uk subscribe - in Subject heading. To UnSubscribe - barretts@ndirect.co.uk remove - in Subject heading. All comms to Stan.


Foodie Forum ~Published by Simon Zylph. Number of Subscribers; 803. Advertising Rates $15 per monthly issue; prepaid, $12 per issue, 6-issues; prepaid, $10 per issue, annual, prepaid. To subscribe: foodieforum@usa.net Subscribe Foodies in Subject heading. To unsubscribe: foodieforum@usa.net Cancel Foodies in Subject heading. Description: A free-wheeling discussion of all facets of the restaurant-dining experience written by a far-flung group of cybaritic subscribers. Commentary, reviews, tips, opinion and restaurant recommendations from knowledgeable restaurant-fans worldwide. Free; monthly. Don't dine out without it! Tell us about a great restaurant.

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