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~All About Ezines~

This site was created by K. Williams Resources, Publisher of All About Ezines, The Webmasters Journal, The Home Business Files, The HomeSchool Times, and It's A Woman Thing....which are all ezines delivered via e-mail.

The purpose of this site is to provide publishers of ezines and newsletters a resource for all their publishing needs. Not only can you find resources here, but we encourage you to submit your resources for other publishers as well.

Please use the Publishers Forum to ask questions and give others answers. This is a wonderful resource for everyone. Use it with care! Treat others as you wish to be treated. We are all adults aren't we?

You may also use the Publishers Forum to announce new publications, or changes to publications...please don't abuse this privilege.

We accept submissions of articles of interest to publishers. These will be published here in our articles section, as well as in our newsletter, All About Ezines.

We also accept submissions of articles for other publishers to use in their ezines and newsletters. If you use material from our content section, you must include the authors information when you publish the material. This is NOT negotiable.

If you have suggestions for making this site a better resource for publishers, please contact us and tell us your idea. This site is here for your information and us to keep it growing and make it of more use to you and other publishers!

K. Williams Resources is now offering the Ezine Publishing Course. If you are new to the business of publishing e-mail based ezines, or you are thinking of starting an ezine, this course is for you.

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K. Williams Resources
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