~About K. Williams Resources~

K. Williams Resources is owned and operated by Kirk and Kelley Williams. We publish three ezines, The Webmasters Journal, The Home Business Files, and All About Ezines....with a fourth ezine in the works.

Our first publication, The Webmasters Journal, began circulation in late June, 1998. Followed by The Home Business Files in September, 1998, and All About Ezines, which will be released in October, 1998. The subscription base for all three ezines is growing at an astounding rate.

Our business is supported by paid advertisements on our website and in our ezines.

We are currently working on a book, The Successful Online Newsletter, which should be released in December, 1998. We have other books for online publishers and marketing professionals in the works as well.

It is the mission of K. Williams Resources to provide webmasters, small and home based business people, marketing professionals, and publishers with accurate, up-to-date information and resources.

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